Tuesday, August 30, 2011

In a Fictional World, These Companies and Products Would Exist ...

1. ANIMAL FAST FOOD RESTAURANT - just like your neighborhood Mickey D's and Burger King ... but for pets! And check this -- it will have a drive through! (CREATIVE NAME NEEDED!)
2. Dessert2Dorms - Dessert ONLY delivery to dorms. Open late night for past-midnight munchies.
3. Surround Lighting System - A lighting system that connects with the surround sound system in your television that produces different lighting effects based upon sound/images on your T.V. screen. For example, if you are watching a movie and someone turns on a flashlight, along with the enhanced sound effects from your surround sound system, the 'surround lighting' will produce a bright light beam to make the effect of the flashlight seem more realistic.
4. Textbook Delivery Service (Text4yourTexts) - A delivery service where you text a member and they receive a copy of your schedule. Upon having this information they will show up before and after each class to collect/deliver your school bag and text books, making your travels to and from class faster and lighter.

An Introduction

Hello fellow bloggers!

My name is Jami Orman, although I am commonly called "Jahmi" because people assume it's pronounced differently because there is no 'E' on the end. I am from just outside of Philadelphia but am studying Film and Media arts here at the University of Shmampa. Now readers, I wasn't originally a declared film student. I came to school undecided, however had an epiphany when the 2010 version of the film "The Wolfman" was released in theaters. While the film itself had a cheesy story line, the visual/special FX and makeup art was phenomenal! And that is how I stepped foot on the path toward the silver screen. I am currently a Junior at Tampa and I also work in The Cage (come visit! I will rent you equipment! Cause that's my job.) I am a big fan of horror movies (specifically 80's horror flicks, they're fabulous.) Music, photography and napping tie in somewhere at the top of my list as well.

For anyone watching AMC: Top Gun is on. If you haven't seen it ... see it.


Blah blah blah ...

Looking forward to blogging with everyone and such. BYEEEEEE!